A Sufi Perspective on Peace

Peace in the Sufi cosmology comes from the Arabic root word s-l-m-salam and means those who have put their hearts in a safe, sheltered place free from hatred, envy, jealousy, anger, and revenge. It is one of the 99 qualities of God. In our purification process our...

What to Do if Your Life Pulls You in Different Directions

Most people go through life like a Gumby Doll, stretched and pulled around by attachments and desires the world greedily drops at our feet.  For example, advertising tells you need this, so you purchase product “x”.  You worry about finances so you do...

How to Use Healing to Find Your True Self

Why do you need healing if you were created with a perfect essence? We have lost the sense of who we really are as God created us. We have forgotten because our essense or fitra became covered over through the course of life. For the Sufis the fitra is hidden behind...

How to Become Authentic through God’s Secret Love

Allah created the human being out of love and that out of one’s soul and the human being was meant to live together without separation, without discrimination, recognizing the essential essence and beauty that every human being carries. The heart is an infinite...