A Sufi Perspective on Peace

May 17, 2012 | Divine Names

Peace in the Sufi cosmology comes from the Arabic root word s-l-m-salam and means those who have put their hearts in a safe, sheltered place free from hatred, envy, jealousy, anger, and revenge. It is one of the 99 qualities of God. In our purification process our hearts are cleansed of what we refer to as our blameworthy qualities into our praiseworthy qualities, which are the expressions of God’s qualities within us.

Our Sufi guide Sidi al-Jamal writes;” If the Muslims, Jews, Christians and the people of any other religion, knew their religion well,  there would only be one religion, the religion of love and peace and mercy.”  When we have the knowledge of the Love that united us, we find peace within our heart.

Imagine a world, where peace replaced war. Where people understood and lived in the peace within their hearts.  Where peace became the expression of our caring for our body, our heart, our soul, and our fellow man.  Truly this is the work of our Sufi University.  To change each heart to carry the Peace then bring that Peace to the world. This is the Golden Rule we learned as children put into action.

Red Cloud, the great chief of the Sioux nation once said, “Look at me–I am poor and naked, but I am the chief of the nation.  We do not want riches, but we do want to train our children right.  Riches would do us no good.  We could not take them with us to the other world.  We do not want riches.  We want peace and love.”

At the Sufi University, we teach about the riches of living in God’s Reality.  As you learn the knowledge of the Sufi Path, your heart grows in peace. You begin to understand the Realities of the Existences as you understand who you are.