How Sufi Prophetic Healing Can Help You

Apr 27, 2012 | Sufi Healing

In spite of all the publicity about the “mind-body connection,” we tend to think about disease and illness primarily on a physical level. Disease exists on many levels and must be addressed at all these levels in order to heal completely. The Sufi perspective includes the emotional and mental levels and the spiritual issues along with the physical. The spiritual aspect always relates to one’s deepest self image at a soul level, the “fitra,” and one’s relationship with Allah. The Sufis say, “Know yourself and then you know your Lord.” What is the goal of Sufi Prophetic Healing? People who experience Sufi Prophetic Healing often tell us that they feel like they have come home to a place that they have been longing for. They sensed this place deep inside, but never clearly knew it or “tasted” it. Coming home like this imparts a sense of completion and wholeness. It brings hope; it restores us to what we were created to be. A Closed Heart Opened to Love “One such time was with a beautiful woman who had been held captive for 15 years with resentment towards her ex-husband who had severely hurt her throughout their marriage in many ways. When the healing was over both of us were blown away as she talked about forgiving her husband, being free from the resentment, understanding the role she had played in the breakdown of the marriage and feeling free to consider the possibility of finding love again.”~ KB, Student Healer Introducing UOS Student Healing Clinic Experience a unique type of healing that brings spiritual realization as well as physical, emotional and mental healing. The Student Healing Clinic,

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directed by Nura Laird, MEd., is modeled after the training clinics of professional institutions such as acupuncture and massage schools, in which the public can receive affordable healings at a low cost. Healers are advanced, third year students at the University. Here are common reasons people receive a Sufi Prophetic Healing: 1. Health Issues 2. Emotional Issues 3. Financial Issues 4. Family and Relationship Issues 5. Spiritual Issues Click here to learn more or book a healing session.