Amany Shares Secrets About the Number 7

    “You think you are a small star, when in fact you contain the whole universe.” -Sidi Shaykh Muhammad al-Jamal     Do you ever notice that when you think you’ve grasped a spiritual concept, there appears another door that leads to a whole...

Are You the Microcosm or the Macrocosm?

Sidi teaches in his book Path to Allah, Most High, that we human beings are all a part of one body, each a cell in the larger body of the universe. “If you look closely, you will find that the human being is called the big man, or the big world, or the microcosm, and...

Hug a Tree. Bless the Waters. Shine Your Light!

Tomorrow is Earth Day, a day to remember the Earth Mother of Divine Compassion that we have been born into for this sacred journey. Allah gives us everything we need to live the life we are meant to live here, to learn what we’ve come here to learn, to fulfill the...

How to help someone when they do not want to be helped

We all have people in our lives who seem to struggle a bit harder than we believe necessary. It’s easy to look at someone’s life from a distance and see what they need to do to get their act together. We might offer all kinds of advice, financial support and more, but...

Sometimes we just need to know we’re okay

  It’s hard to see someone we love in pain. It’s natural to want to rush in to fix the situation, to make everything okay. But when we try to fix too soon, it can send the wrong message. A person in pain needs to be witnessed where they are. They need to be heard...

The Real-Life Game of Chutes and Ladders

Did you ever play the game Chutes and Ladders when you were a youngster? When we’re young, it seems like a fun friendly game with a relatively low level of competition. We’re striving to reach the finish line, hoping to land at the ladders and climb ahead, and praying...