How to Handle Stress and Overwhelm at Work

Apr 7, 2011 | Sufism

Question:  Even though I bring spiritual practices into my work, I still feel stress and overwhelm.  Why is this and what can I do?

Paul Hamid Werder shares in the live Facebook Chat, “Overwhelm is something I have experienced many times.  I’ve found the critical problem is that I’m not telling myself and others the truth about what I can and cannot do. I’m not listening to my heart about what’s my priority, what’s God asking me to do and I’m operating from my own strength.   When I operate from what I  think that I need, should or have to do, then whatever I take on is more than is appropriate.

When I look inside and honestly see what the self is driving towards and what is the self telling me about the workload and the responsibilities, then the heart would likely have a different answer and guidance on how to relate to the work.

The feeling of overwhelm is a sign that we have not seen the deepest truth about what is really needed to do. Overwhelm is a function of not telling ourselves the total truth, the deepest truth about what we need to do, what we think we have to do.

Salima Adelstein continues, “Overwhelm and stress is a symptom of the need for transformation. The transformation needed is to move to compassion and love which becomes the foundation of your intention. The inner work is to implement this intention from overwhelm and stress to compassion and love.

Join us for the next spiritual chat on Facebook on April 8, 1-1:30 pm Pacific.  Post your questions.

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