What would life be like if we experienced every moment as an expression of God’s love and an opportunity to taste the reality of the Divine?
For many of us it is easier to experience God’s presence in creation as we watch a glorious sunset, listen to beautiful music, dip our toes into the ocean, or watch our newborn baby sleep. In those moments, our hearts open in joy and ecstasy as we recognize the love and beauty that surround us.
But what about those times when we are cutting carrots for our family’s dinner, paying the electricity bill, mowing the lawn, washing our baby’s clothes?
Much of our daily lives seem to be taken up with these mundane tasks; and we forget that everything we are and everything we do is an expression of the Divine.
And what about those times when our spouse is angry, our child is acting out, we just received a large medical bill or our boss comes down on us?
Can we, during those moments, bring God’s love in to our daily life?
Divine Love is available in EVERY moment.
Here are 3 steps to learning how to live and breathe God all the time:
1. Ask God to help you remember. This sounds silly, but God is behind our every thought, word and action, and we do not remember on our own. God is behind this too.
2. Pay attention to the tiny signs that God is responding and helping you to remember. God has many and varied ways to help us.
3. Receive what God is sending, and receiving begins with breathing in consciously, and taking the gifts into every organ and cell and into your mind, heart and spirit.
When do you struggle most to bring in God’s love and wisdom?