Sufi Spiritual Healing and Depression

“The typical current model of depression is that it is the result of a disruption of neurotransmitter processes that can best be treated with medication and some educational psychotherapeutic work. The first line of treatment is most often pharmaceutical. From...

Sufi Spiritual Healing: Hope for Trauma Survivors

“My specialty as a psychotherapist was trauma, especially preverbal and sexual trauma. I now have a very different understanding of early trauma and also know first hand this new depth of recovery. This includes trauma that most hold as something one merely...

Awaken to God’s Reality Now

Sufism is about awakening to God’s reality NOW vs the hereafter. The focus is on the experience of God rather than the intellectual understanding of God. The only way to focus on the experience is through ‘tasting.’ Tasting is experiencing the Divine reality. It’s...

What is Islam?

President John Wadude Laird, MD shares about Islam, the religion of unity: love, peace, mercy, justice, and freedom. [youtube]UiVUzumi2V0[/youtube]

Healing Story: From Emptiness to Fulfilling Purpose

“I had relationship after relationship that was disappointing, unfulfilling and the pattern kept repeating itself.  When I learned to be in right relationship to my body, myself, and other people.  What I was looking for was inside my own heart which was very...

Secret of Divine Guidance FREE Preview Call

There is a voice inside you. It tells you which way to turn, how fast to move, when you should stay and when it’s time to go. Sometimes it’s loud and other times it’s small and still. Most importantly, it leads you to the Truth. The Truth about you....