Calling all beloveds who have himma to be a spiritual teacher.
Does this sound familiar?
You have himma to teach but something stops you from doing so and you don’t know what it is.
You have a yearning to teach but you don’t feel ready.
You have teacher beads from Sidi but have done nothing with it.
You are ready to teach but you need support. You need support on HOW to get out there, support to know WHAT to do, and support to keep your eye on Allah rather than on the creation.
You want to share this path of love and build a community but you don’t know how.
The support you need to step forward as a teacher is here!
“Teacher Training Program”
Taught by Ibrahim Jaffe, Salima Adelstein, Wadude Laird, Nura Laird, Rahima Schmall, Rahim Bronner
NOW OPEN to all who have taken the promise with Sidi and have a deep yearning to share the message of Allah’s love with others.
Four month VIRTUAL program, culminating in a 4 day class on the land.
TTP runs for 18 weeks, beginning May 24. There are 12 classes taught by phone and a 4 day intensive held September 8-11, 2011 at SSRC in Pope Valley, California.
Objectives for the TTP program insha’llah:
* Learn along side faculty who have built communities and have made a significant difference in the world as spiritual teachers
*Receive mentoring and coaching from faculty in intimate, small group settings
* Learn how to promote your workshops
* Understand how to connect with your audience to create safety, how to identify their needs and give to them, and how to ignite group himma
* Learn how to create curriculum that is magnetic, attractive and transformative
* Receive curriculum templates that have proven success
* Learn how to communicate and transmit Sufi teachings clearly, effectively, and powerfully
* Learn how to access your soul and teach from this depth and beauty
* Receive the skill to clearly guide experiential processes
* Learn how to hold a group and its diverse energies with love and compassion and how to move the group forward
* Experience how to follow your highest guidance with confidence and ease – moment by moment
* Receive feedback from TTP faculty so that you can fine tune your teaching skills
* Learn the secrets to teaching success from TTP faculty who have mastery
*Learn to teach with confidence, certainty, and joy!
Class Format and Logistics
Small group via phone with faculty
Feedback on teaching from faculty through video
Dates and Times:
5:30-7:00 pm PDT
May 24, May 31
June 7, 14, 21, 28
July 12, 19, 26
August 16
September 20, 27
On-Site 4 Day Intensive
SSRC in Pope Valley, California
September 8-11
Tuition: $1650, monthly payment plan available
Have questions? Listen to our free info recording with Salima Adelstein or call Mary Halima Fleming at 800.238.3060, x701
Register here for the free info audio.
Enroll in Teacher Training Program.