From Unlovable to LOVE

Sep 11, 2015 | Sufism

brownish-heartThis morning, I was listening to an interview with our UOS Co-President, Kamila Shenmen. In this interview, Kamila speaks about the experience of feeling unlovable, which she carried for the first 50 years of her life. Wow! She lived with this belief for 50 years, and managed to heal it completely in a relatively short period of time. So many people go through life believing they are unlovable – that people don’t like them, or they don’t see them, or don’t believe in them or respect them. You may even experience yourself as someone you can’t love or can’t believe in. When you’ve lived that way your whole life and this is all you’ve ever known, it’s hard to imagine what life would be like without those beliefs. Maybe you really can go for the things you want in your heart. Maybe you really can have good health, energy, vitality, joy, fulfilling relationships, financial stability and new opportunities – oh, and LOVE! If you’ve ever resonated with any of these feelings – or if the idea of having what you really want in life seems off the radar – I encourage you to listen to this interview with Kamila Shenmen. It really touched my heart today. And if you know others who could benefit from her message, I encourage you to share it. You can easily share this blog post or just share the youtube video – on social media or by email. If you need the link: I do hope you find value in this interview. Kamila is speaking about the University of Sufism – it’s her context. Within the interview are many jewels to open the heart and give hope and healing. Enjoy! Blessings and gratitude, From Kamila and all your friends at UOS P.S. Kamila is going to be presenting a FREE event in Seattle on September 17th called Radiant Love: Healing with the 99 Divine Names of God. For more information email her at or call her at 512-775-7126