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Music as Medicine in the Ancient East, Part 2

Second of 13 amazing classes in our special online series, “Healing Sounds of the Wisdom Traditions” with Yuval Ron. Continue exploring the musical modalities of the Ancient East, the Ottoman-Turkish […]

Healing Sufi Chanting Traditions, Part 2

Healing Sufi Chanting Traditions, Part 2, is the 4th of 13 amazing classes in our special online series, “Healing Sounds of the Wisdom Traditions” with Yuval Ron. Experience Yuval's transmission of the ecstatic and introspective practices of several varieties of Sufism. Sufi practices have been shown to enhance memory and cognition while alleviating anxiety, depression, […]

Brain Entrainment with Sound (5 in Yuval Ron series)

Brain Entrainment is the 5th of 13 amazing classes in our special online series, “Healing Sounds of the Wisdom Traditions” with Yuval Ron. Explore the science of sound and how certain frequencies are able to affect the listener’s mood and inner imaginal realm. Brain entrainment—the process of synchronizing brain waves to a specific rhythm—has been […]