It’s Blame Someone Else Day – an-nafs al-lawwamah

Our beloved Maryam Reimer forwarded me a link to one of those fun-day calendars that lists all the obscure days of observation, and yes, today is called “Blame Someone Else Day” in honor of the first Friday the 13th of the year. We could have a lot of fun...

Sufism is about the Knowledge of the Heart

Sufism means purification. The Sufi path is about purifying the heart – washing away all of the veils that have covered over the inner truth to reveal the true knowledge that exists within. The poet Rumi said, “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to...

Loving through the Fear

Have you ever felt like someone you care about was making mistakes that could cause them harm? These situations can bring up a lot of fear. And that fear can turn the situation ugly despite your positive intentions. The other person might think you’re judging,...

Is Mercy only for wrong-doers?

I was talking to a friend who came to meet our guide, Sidi, and learn about Sufism for the first time. One of the teachings had been about Mercy. Sidi spoke on how Mercy preceeds us on this earth journey, and God is All-Merciful, Ever-Compassionate. My friend was...