Are you seeking to develop your healing abilities to bring about
profound impact for your clients and your field?
Are you wanting to deepen your knowledge, clarity and confidence
in working with serious illness and disease?
Do you long to gain expertise to reach, witness, understand and transform
illness as it resides in the soul and Spirit levels of the human being?
If you answered YES to any of these questions,
then the Advanced Spiritual Healing Program could be for you!
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can give you all of this and more:

Witnessing of the soul is the quintessential aspect of the spiritual walking to God. It takes consciousness and mastery of this level of being to be successful as a true healer, spiritual teacher and a Sufi master.

Advanced Spiritual Healing is a practical course that will help you to gain consciousness of the Soul and Spirit levels. You will receive guidance and support for walking into Unity with God consciousness.
Bring Healing Through Completion of
Soul Lessons
Advanced Spiritual Healing will deepen your understanding of the soul and Spirit, and help you to heal through bringing completion to the levels of meaning—the teachings that God brings for the soul to complete on this journey.
The Advanced Spiritual Healing program will offer you some of the most advanced and significant teachings for healing disease. Please listen to the following story of profound healing from one of our students who used these methods for healing with an individual in the ICU.
The doctors called it a miracle!
“The patient had testicular cancer, stage 4, spread into his pelvis, pelvic bowl, aorta—from his chest to his genitals. After his first chemotherapy treatment, he had a bad reaction and was in the ICU. He had sepsis—an infection in the blood—pneumonia, neutropenia, anemia and low blood platelets.
The doctors didn’t know if he would survive chemotherapy because of the reaction after the first treatment. Yet, they gave him a 30% chance of survival with chemotherapy, and less chance without it.
The practitioner was given 15 minutes with the patient in ICU. “I felt the light of God come through me, and we worked with 3 Divine Qualities.”
Three days later, the practitioner received a phone call from the patient’s wife saying his situation was much better. The sepsis completely went away. His pneumonia was much better, and his body had started to defend itself.
They continued Spiritual Healing treatments one day before each chemotherapy treatment. After 2 months, his cancer was gone except for one small tumor in the bottom of his body. It was completely encapsulated, and they were able to remove it with surgery. After that he was completely clean.
Doctors told him this is a miracle!”
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Many of our students come to us having found that their healing work is sometimes unsuccessful, particularly with advanced disease such as cancer, life threatening illness, serious infections and other unresponsive and difficult illnesses. They need time to complete their healing potential, and they need support to reach the consciousness to witness the issues that are the core of most illness.
Dr. Jaffe has found that a number of issues need to be
resolved or completed within the healer in order for
the healer to be effective in their work.
The Advanced Spiritual Healing program will help the practitioner to:
DEEPEN BOWING TO GOD: The healer’s surrender to God is not complete or sometimes not sincere enough. It is important to deepen one’s surrender to the Most High in order for the Light of Healing be sent down from above. To surrender in this way, one must commit more deeply to God, learn the necessary knowledge and apply that knowledge to one’s life.
In the Advanced Spiritual Healing Program, we will look at what is needed in your personal walking and knowledge to become a receptacle of the Divine Lights and deepen this form of surrender.
UNDERSTAND PATTERN IDENTIFICATION AND TRANSFORMATION: It is known that the inner issues within the subconsciousness of people create subtle light patterns that can be felt and witnessed within the subtle worlds. These patterns can be used to both diagnose and predict certain outcomes of the progression of disease.
In the Advanced Spiritual Healing Program, we will learn how to perceive and interpret these patterns and support their healing and transformation.
WITNESS AND DEEPEN CAPABILITY WITHIN THE MALAKUT: Students’ ability to witness, understand and transform the Malakut—or the angelic level—of many diseases is often not strong enough. I have found that students have trouble entering the Specific Disease Pattern and finding the images and issues that are playing out in the world of human experience. It is necessary to understand these issues and dynamics that are happening in order to help to correct them within the patient. Therefore, although recitations and Dhikr occur, the healer cannot fully support the release of these inner scenarios, and therefore the recitations may not be effective. The healer’s recognition of the inner images and issues needs to deepen for significant healing to occur. Often God will not change a person’s reality until there is consciousness and clarity about the change of choice and experience within the person. Once the person understands what the lesson is and makes a different choice within, the healing is accepted by God and the sacred lights descend.
INCREASE AND OPEN PERCEPTION OF THE SOUL WORLDS: The soul world is a more subtle world that interpenetrates the Malakut world and carries the human and divine qualities within it. It is also the place where the deepest ceilings of light and darkness occur.
This is the place where the soul works out its relationship to God and why it has come to earth. it is necessary to be able to perceive this ocean of being, and to be able to transform these veils into love, peace and beauty if healing is to occur.
UNDERSTAND THE DIVINE TEACHINGS AND LESSONS WITHIN: All disease has come to us from God in order to teach us specific soul and spiritual lessons that are needed for advancement of that Soul towards God and completion. These teachings appear in the forms of subtle meanings that appear in the world of Imagination of the soul.
When the healer can find and understand the soul meanings within the disease, and understand the teaching being sent down (what God wants us to learn), resolution and healing can occur very quickly.
When the healer can help to integrate and complete these lessons, often the disease disappears. In many cases, this allows other methods of healing such as traditional medicine to work, or we could say God now accepts them and they heal.
CLEAN AND PERFECT THE DIVINE QUALITIES: Most importantly, it is the cleaning of the Human Qualities and the following Beautification by the Divine Qualities that is the essential and most significant part of healing.
Purification of these qualities occurs through the cleaning and perfection of the hidden images and meanings woven into the qualities. In this class, we will learn how to find, clean, return, beautify and perfect the Qualities within the soul.
LEARN END OF LIFE SPIRITUAL COMPLETION SUPPORT: Time permitting, the course will provide teachings for helping clients to cross through the higher worlds at the time of death. This will lead to supporting hospice patients and workers who struggle with end of life spiritual issues and need help to facilitate the soul as it leaves the body.
Students will learn how to complete the life lessons needed for the soul to have a successful ending to life, God Willing!
“After no life signs for over 5 minutes, he was given a 50-50% chance of survival, a 70% chance of brain damage, almost certain loss of strength in his arms…”
“…Within 3 days, an MRI showed his brain to be absolutely completely normal. He was cleared of all signs of damage within six months!”
Spiritual Healing for Physical Disease has long been a focus of study for Dr. Robert Ibrahim Jaffe, MD.
Dr. Jaffe received his traditional medical education from the University of Illinois College of Medicine. During his medical residency, he witnessed the miraculous healing of a young woman with end-stage hepatitis. After doctors had exhausted their options using Western medical techniques, her condition was healed using an ancient Biblical method of healing. After witnessing his patient’s miraculous recovery, Dr. Jaffe realized there were secrets to healing far beyond what he had learned in medical school.
After completing his residency and earning his medical license in 1983, Dr. Jaffe traveled around the world to study with indigenous healers and traditional doctors. During his years of travel, he studied with healers and spiritual masters from traditions in Japan (Zen), Tibet (Medicine Buddha), India (Kundalini), Hawaii (Kahuna), and South America (Shamanistic).
His studies brought him to Jerusalem, where he studied Sufi spirituality and healing with Sidi Muhammad al-Jamal. It is through the techniques of Sufi healing that Dr. Jaffe has seen the deepest and most complete form of healing on both the physical and energetic levels.
During more than 30 years of working as a medical doctor and spiritual healer, Dr. Jaffe has frequently worked with patients with serious medical illnesses and disease. Over this time he has noticed several patterns within the patients with specific diseases, and also several important themes in the patients who received the most dramatic healing results.
Dr. Jaffe began to see that the inner issues within the subconsciousness of people were creating subtle light patterns that could be felt and witnessed within the subtle soul worlds. He also began noticing how by cleaning the images, impressions, and issues in the soul realm, that the patients were receiving dramatic healing.
Now, Dr. Jaffe is exciting to bring this training to you. He is on a mission to train healers to be able to work in any setting, including alongside medical professionals, to bring the depth of spiritual healing into standard patient care.
The Advanced Spiritual Healing Program is equivalent to the sixth of the seven levels of teachings within Dr. Jaffe’s Medical Spiritual Healing program, equivalent to the Advanced Practitioners Degree.
This course is taught jointly with the University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism Masters of Divinity degree program. Students who complete the full USHS program will earn a Masters of Divinity in Spiritual Healing for Physical and Emotional Well-Being and an Advanced Spiritual Healing Practitioner Certificate from Dr. Jaffe.
This course will occur as a track of the University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism Masters of Divinity Programs.
If you have already completed 3 years of USHS training, you may be eligible to begin directly with this program. The next course begins January 12, 2020 and meets for three sessions in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Listen to another beloved speak to the benefits to the body and mind of Advanced Spiritual Healing:
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