How did my life get like this?
My life felt like a deck of 52 cards that had been thrown up in the air, scattered everywhere. I didn’t know how to get it back in order. In complete upheaval, I was at the lowest point of my life. Then, I received a Sufi spiritual healing and it became clear on what was needed to put my life in order.
As I listened to the Sufi healer talk about her experiences at the Sufi University, something inside me said that this was the Highest possible thing I could do for myself. I knew I had to go now and it was important to act right then rather than wait for everything in my life to line up. I knew it was a turning point.
As a student at Sufi U, I found my purpose. In the past, my happiness relied on people, places, and things. For example, if my children were happy, I was happy. If my day at work went well, I would be happy. My happiness was dependent upon other people’s emotions and the situation around me.
I had been a seeker and travelled many different spiritual paths but something in my heart was missing. Nothing satisfied the deep longing in my heart; I was missing devotion to God.
I began to learn that my happiness was about laying a foundation with God first in my life by developing the connection to the divine love within me. From this connection, everything else follows. From this connection I began to receive the true Love which satisfied the longing in my heart. This is now the Source of my happiness.
Now, no matter what happens in my life, I can go to this place in my heart and receive divine support, guidance, and love. In my work as teacher, healer and massage therapist, I am able to serve and help others to find this same connection. I am also able to support my family when they aren’t happy and not able to connect to the love within.
I’m not always in this place of divine connection, but now I have access to it and it takes much less time to re-connect and I am able to receive so that the divine love, peace, and oneness fills me and lasts. Before the happiness was fleeting. Now it is more permanent and I have access to it no matter what is going on in my life. This is true happiness and contentment.
~Bonnie Halima Gibson, teacher, healer, coach & massage therapist