Human connection is a blessing of this life we are given. Not unlike the body, the ties of the heart require strength and flexibility. What does it mean to strengthen your heart? This series of free telecourses offers an expedition that can bring us back to ourselves.
Recordings are available upon registration
August 3, Nura Laird: Peace Begins in the Family
Sidi teaches that we as humans created by Allah are all one family, brothers and sisters. How do we make this real in our everyday lives? How do we learn to accept and love those who trigger us, those who are different? How does Islam address the reality and challenges of pluralism in today’s world?
Nura Laird, M.Ed. is a Dean, a faculty member, and chair of the Department of Peacemaking. Nura has been a student of healing and Sufism since 1977. She has extensive training and experience in community and family mediation and in teaching and counseling children and adults. Since graduating from the Energy Mastery School in 1992, Nura has worked professionally as a spiritual counselor, teacher and seminar leader internationally.
Nura is especially inspired to help restore the real love and peace to families, and to guide her clients and students to bring more love and peace into our world.
August 17, Rahima Schmall: Your True Home: The Sacred Space of Peace
True home exists in the depths of your own heart where a well spring of love and healing awaits you. In this class you will learn how to call the names of the Divine into the challenges of every day life to open the door to this sacred place of peace.
Rahima Schmall, PhD. R.N. is a faculty member and department head of the Spiritual Healing and Counseling for Physical and Emotional Well-Being program. She is a psychologist, registered nurse and master spiritual healer who has successfully brought spirituality into her clinical practice and teaching for over thirty years. She is also the director of the Healing Intensive Retreat at the Shadiliyya Sufi Center.
She has a deep love of God and is gifted at creating a safe and nurturing space in which people with physical illness or emotional pain can work through their issues to find peace, wholeness and harmony. As a teacher, she has a passion for helping each and every student develop their own unique gifts as a healer and human being.
August 31, Hamid Paul Werder: The Journey Within to Heal the World
The outer chaos we see in the news is a symptom of our collective unease within our hearts, and it is not the truth of who we really are. In this webinar we will explore how our UOS students are making a powerfully positive impact on this chaos through their ever deepening reliance on God.
Paul Hamid Werder is president of LionHeart Consulting, Inc. and has been a successful consultant in organizational change and leadership for twenty-five years. Mr. Werder is a faculty member at the University of Sufism and teaches in the Spiritual Ministry department.
He has lived a varied professional life, and has merged his traditional business acumen with spiritual healing skills to empower leaders to work from the prophetic light that he refers to as inner wisdom. In working within the University, he supports students to discover their unique God-given talents and express them completely with deep humility.
September 14, Salima Adelstein: Sufism Explored and Experienced
Sometimes our heart is crying to be heard and our mind just does not want to listen. Come explore the world of your heart’s deepest wisdom and beauty. In this teleclass we will journey into the mysteries of the heart’s longing to return home and discover the sufi realities of existence and Truth.
Maxine Salima Adelstein M.Ed., D.D., helps people to discover and embody the deep truth of their beauty and essence through her work as a healer and teacher. Ms. Adelstein is Dean of Education, chair of the Department of Spiritual Ministry and Sufi Studies and a faculty member. She is a master healer who has helped hundreds of clients heal from illness and lifelong emotional pain.
September 28, Amany Shalaby: Preparation for Perpetual Living
“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.”- Mark Twain. Join Amany Shalaby as she talks on death as the “Preparation for Perpetual Living”, explaining the Sufi teaching about graceful dying and returning home with complete satisfaction, a sense of security and acceptance as The Holy Qur’an says: “O soul in (complete) security and contentment (mutma’innah)!. Come back to your Sustainer accepting (radiyyah) and granted acceptance (mardiyyah)! Enter you then among My (honored) slaves,. And enter you My Paradise!”, (89/27:30)
Amany Shalaby graduated as an electric engineer from`Ein Shams University, Cairo, Egypt 1985. She obtained her Post Graduate Diploma in Islamic Studies from Islamic College of Advancing Studies, Middlesex University, London, UK in 2002 and her Master’s degree in Comparative Philosophy of Religions in 2014 from the Islamic College of Advancing Studies, Middlesex University, London, UK.
Amany works as a translator of Islamic books and teaches in diverse study circles across the states on Islamic spirituality. Amany is the author of The Essence of Creation and the forth-coming book of poetry, Hidden Pearls.
She is a co-founder of Radiant Hands Inc., an organization that helps single mothers in need, and Nur Corner Institute.
Dr. John Wadude Laird is the past President of the University of Sufism and a faculty member. He received his medical degree from Dartmouth Medical School in 1976 and has more than twenty years of experience in direct patient care. Dr. Laird was responsible for the passage of landmark legislation in North Carolina in 1994, legalizing the practice of alternative medical therapies.
Through his activities as an administrator and healer, Dr. Laird radiates the love of God to everyone he encounters. His passion and strength inspire students to trust God fully and to give their lives in service to all who need healing and love.
October 26, Kamila Shenmen: Love to Forgive. Forgive to Love.
The human heart was created from love and is only at rest when it is in a state of love. In this teleclass we will explore the relationship between love and forgiveness, of yourself and others.
Kamila is a graduate and faculty member of the University of Sufism. She holds a Doctorate in Computer Science and Molecular Biology and worked for 18 years at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. She is also a licensed practitioner of Oriental Medicine, and a former faculty member and Clinic Director of the Maryland Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Kamila’s search for true healing at the deepest levels eventually led her to Shaykh Sidi Muhammad al-Jamal and the ancient spiritual healing practices of Sufism. Having found on the Sufi way the peace and healing that comes from opening the heart to God’s love, Kamila is blessed to be able to share this path and its teachings with her students, community and clients.