In this module we’ll explore:
MODULE 2: The Human Journey
How to Find your Hidden Treasure
In this module we’ll explore:
MODULE 3: Your Divine Connection
The first and most important step is the direct connection to God and is often where many fall short. This is where the Sufis have excelled. In this module we’ll explore:
In this module we’ll explore:
MODULE 5: Identifying Negative Inner Patterns and Opening the Power of FSP (Feeling-Sense-Pattern)
Hidden emotional, mental and spiritual patterns lie at the heart of all disease. They cause unfathomable pain and suffering. These patterns, such as anger, create malfunctioning in the biochemistry of the body and create illness.
In this module we’ll explore:
MODULE 6: The Three Voices
Understanding who you are listening to
In this module we’ll explore:
MODULE 7: Transforming Images, Issues and Experiences
How to Resolve Inner Conflict to Experience Holy Independence and Inner Freedom
In this step you come to understand and transform what your deeper hidden needs and issues are, which are holding your disease in place and often stop healing from occurring.
In this module we’ll explore:
MODULE 8: Finding your inner sanctuary and thriving in difficult times
How to Engage in the World from your Heart
The engagement in the world provides you with opportunities for spiritual growth, opportunities to practice love, to practice generosity, gentleness, mercy and compassion for yourself and your fellow human beings. Love, service and compassion helps us to reopen our hearts and heal. Our hands lift up to those who have fallen, to wipe the tears of those who are suffering from trials, to offer a glance, a soft heart, to support, to guide and to love.
As we begin to experience faith and hope, we build a life based on safety and trust that can withstand any storm that might come. The engagement in the world provides you with opportunities for spiritual growth, opportunities to practice love, to practice generosity, gentleness, mercy and compassion for yourself and your fellow human beings. Love, service and compassion helps us to reopen our hearts and heal. Our hands lift up to those who have fallen, to wipe the tears of those who are suffering from trials, to offer a glance, a soft heart, to support, to guide and to love. As we begin to experience faith and hope, we build a life based on safety and trust that can withstand any storm that might come.
In this module we’ll explore:
Live classes will take place on Tuesdays and Thursday evenings at 4:00 PM Pacific Time, and will last approximately 2.5 hours.
Classes are recorded – replays will be available.
Class 1: Thursday, April 15th, 2021
Class 2: Tuesday, April 20th, 2021
Class 3: Thursday, April 22nd, 2021
Class 4: Tuesday, April 27th, 2021
Class 5: Thursday, April 29th, 2021
Class 6: Tuesday, May 4th, 2021
Class 7: Thursday, May 6th, 2021
Class 8: Tuesday, May 11th, 2021
Bonus Class 9: Thursday, May 13th, 2021
He earned his medical degree as a general practice physician from the University of Illinois.
In addition to being recognized as a Master Healer and Teacher within the Sufi tradition, he has studied and traveled worldwide teaching Advanced Energy Healing, an etheric approach to diagnosis and healing of illness, including teaching at the United Nations and Harvard Divinity School.
Dr. Jaffe is a prolific speaker who brings forth a message of hope, healing, peace, and oneness for people of all faiths through the tenets of Sufism and the understanding of spiritual healing. He speaks on many topics including Sufism, spirituality, and spiritual healing. He also speaks about healing the blocks to manifesting our inner brilliance and finding and developing true spiritual and loving relationships. His healing work has also led to deep understanding of how to heal conflict and bring peace. His goal is to provide spiritual healing and guidance for people seeking to heal or transform their lives, illnesses, or organizations.
Maxine Salima Adelstein M.Ed., D.D. helps people to discover and embody the deep truth of their beauty and essence through her work as a healer and teacher. She is a Murshid Murabbi Ruhi, (Sufi Spiritual Guide) in the Shadhilyya Sufi tradition, a rank given to her by her guide, Sidi Muhammad al-Jamal. Ms. Adelstein is Co-President, chair of the Department of Spiritual Ministry and Sufi Studies and a faculty member for the University of Sufism and the Institute of Spiritual Healing. She is a master healer who has helped thousands of clients heal from illness and lifelong emotional pain
Kamila Carolyn Shenmen, Ph.D., Dipl.Ac., Dipl.C.H., M.Div., co-president of the University of Sufism, holds a Master’s of Divinity degree from the University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism and a Doctorate in Computer Science and Molecular Biology from the University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France.
She worked for 18 years at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland and is also a certified practitioner of Oriental Medicine. Kamila has been a healing practitioner in the Sufi tradition since 2003.