About the University of Sufism
The University of Sufism is a non-profit, religious organization that envisions a world where the flag of God’s love, peace, mercy, freedom, justice and beauty flies above every home.
The University’s teachings of spiritual healing and transformation are based on the teachings of Shadhiliyya Sufism as brought to our organization by Shaykh Muhammad Sa’id al-Jamal ar-Rafa’i ash-Shaduli, affectionately known to us as Sidi.
In 2005, the organization gained religious exemption status through the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education. We now offer Masters degrees in Spiritual Ministry & Sufi Studies, Spiritual Peacemaking in the Sufi Way, Advanced Spiritual Healing Practitioner and Sufi Spiritual Guidance and Education. Grounded in the teachings of Shadhiliyya Sufism, these degree programs help our students discover their personal missions and take the teachings out into the world, and in service to others.
The organization is formally known as The University of Sufism through the Religion of Unity in the Way of God – we call it The University of Sufism or UOS for short.
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“This University is the only one in the whole world to teach only divine teachings…It’s a Sufi university, built on the message of unity.” – Shaykh Muhammad Sa’id al-Jamal
“If the Muslims, Jews, Christians, and the people of any other religion knew their religion well, then there would be only one religion, the religion of love, peace, mercy, justice and freedom. – Shaykh Muhammad Sa’id al-Jamal
Our Vision
Our vision is to open the heart of humanity to the Reality of Divine Love, Gnostic understanding and complete healing.
About the Programs
The University of Sufism (UOS) offers a unique educational opportunity to all those who seek spiritual healing and who long for a life in unity with the creation and the Creator. A classical Sufi education teaches the human being how to be truly happy. Through developing an intimate and holy relationship with God, the spiritual traveler begins to receive the divine outpouring of healing, protection, wisdom and knowledge from the source. As self-limiting habits, experiences and beliefs are gently washed away, the heart becomes filled to overflowing with love, beauty and peace. A deeply purposeful life of divinely-guided service to others naturally unfolds.
The spiritual founder and guide of this University, Shaykh Muhammad Sa’id al-Jamal (affectionately known as Sidi), lives on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem and works tirelessly for love, peace, mercy, justice and freedom throughout the world.
Our students include:
- People seeking to become master spiritual healers from a variety of backgrounds.
- Ministers seeking to integrate deeper spiritual teachings into their ministry.
- Seekers of truth, unity, love and wisdom who are attracted to the purity and oneness of this divine tradition.
- Jewish, Kabbalistic, and Christian students seeking to understand the heart of their religions.
- Seekers from many of the Eastern and Latin American religious traditions who yearn for the world of God and union with the Divine.
- Young people who are looking for answers and who want to find purpose and meaning in their lives.
- Muslims who want to understand the mystical aspects of Islam and to reach the inner reality of Truth.
The purpose of a UOS education is to establish the unity in the hearts of all our students. Our aim is to give each student the skills, knowledge and support necessary to embody the divine qualities of love, peace, compassion, strength, wisdom, generosity, holiness and many, many more.
The UOS faculty and staff are committed travelers on the Sufi path. Students from many different spiritual and religious traditions attend our University. Many students adopt the Sufi way formally during the course of their education, but this is not a requirement. Students commonly report that our training enhances, deepens and enriches their own personal spiritual practice and relationship to the Divine. Simply put, our goal is not to create more Sufis: our goal is to inspire people to travel in this holy journey of transformation, healing and loving service.
Our University offers a 4.5 year Master in Divinity degree or Advanced Certificate Program. The first three levels of study provide a core curriculum which forms the foundation for the fourth level master’s/advanced certificate program. Graduates of this fourth level will earn a Master’s in Divinity degree or an Advanced Certificate (for those without a bachelor’s degree).
Students who have graduated previously from the University’s three year program are welcome to return to complete their fourth year and earn their Master’s in Divinity or Advanced Certificate.
There may also be students who do not want a masters degree at the outset; they are free to enter the program and take it step-by-step. If they eventually find that they want to complete the masters program, we will support them in that direction.
We eagerly look forward to welcoming you to our university.

Robert Ibrahim Jaffe, M.D., M.D.(H), D.D.
Robert Ibrahim Jaffe, M.D., M.D.(H), D.D., is the past President of the University and a faculty member. Dr. Jaffe received his medical degree from the University of Illinois and practiced Allopathic, Complementary and Homeopathic medicine in Arizona and Hawaii. He now resides in northern California.
He founded the Jaffe Institute (now known as the University of Sufism) in June, 2000, to bring his comprehensive synthesis of medical, energetic, and spiritual healing to professionals and lay people who want to heal in a complete and holy way by deepening their understanding of why people become sick and what can be done to resolve their illness.
Dr. Jaffe is a master healer, spiritual teacher and Sufi Murshid who has completed over 40,000 healings and helped thousands of people walk further in their personal journeys.
Dr. Jaffe brings an ocean of love, wisdom and healing to those people who are seeking to find the truth and reality of their beings.

Maxine Salima Adelstein M.Ed., D.D.
Co-President, Dean of Education
Maxine Salima Adelstein M.Ed., D.D., helps people to discover and embody the deep truth of their beauty and essence through her work as a healer and teacher. Ms. Adelstein is Dean of Education, chair of the Department of Spiritual Ministry and Sufi Studies and a faculty member. She is a master healer who has helped hundreds of clients heal from illness and lifelong emotional pain.
She has a private healing practice in Pennsylvania and teaches spiritual healing seminars nationally and internationally. Her heart is filled with the joy and compassion that result from living in the heart of God.

Kamila Carolyn Shenmen, Ph.D., Dipl.Ac., Dipl.C.H., M.Div.
Co-President, Dean of Admissions
Kamila holds a Master’s of Divinity degree from the University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism and also holds a Doctorate in Computer Science and Molecular Biology. She worked for 18 years at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland and received that institution’s prestigious NIH Director’s Award. She is also co-author of the Amazon best-selling book “A Drop in the Ocean of Love”. She is a certified practitioner of Oriental Medicine and has practiced as a healer in the Sufi tradition for almost 20 years.
Kamila’s search for true healing at the deepest levels led her to Shaykh Sidi Muhammad al-Jamal and the ancient spiritual healing practices of Sufism. Having found, on the Sufi Way, the peace and healing that comes from opening the heart to God’s Love, Kamila is blessed to be able to share this healing path and its teachings with her students, community and clients. Her greatest wish for every human being is that they come to know the beauty, wholeness and truth they carry within.
Kamila can be contacted via email at cshenmen@comcast.net
and by text or phone at 520-399-5750