My holy of holies is the human body – Anton Chekhov
In his book, Music of the Soul, our guide Sidi writes of the Great Inside War – the battle between the qualities of the ego and the qualities of God that exist within you. He says:
“…through [the great inside battle] you can change every human quality to be a quality of Allah. [The holy war] is to die to your existence and to be born into the existence of Allah.”
He writes that to make the holy marriage with the Beloved, to become one with God, the soul needs many things. The first in the list is:
“To eat only a little, and to fast twice a week, and to eat only what is necessary the rest of the time.”
Our relationship with food is a major part of the great inside holy war between ego and spirit. It has been the source of sugar addiction and digestive illness. It has been a crutch for relieving anxiety and worry. It can be an escape from feeling inadequate and not wanting to be seen.
Ultimately, your relationship with food and eating habits presents countless opportunities for you to return the qualities of your humanity which are not in their highest form to be the qualities of Allah – to make the holy marriage with God. In this course, you will learn the ways in which you can reconnect what feeds you with your body, and your spirit to bring yourself to that holy marriage.
DATES: February 15 – May 9
TIMES: Mondays at 5:00 pm PT / 8:00 pm ET
TUITION: $595 (Three-Payment Plan Available at Checkout)
Join me for this exploration and together we will:
- Examine your relationship with food, your eating habits, and your body
- Learn to discern the messages of the body, mind, heart, and spirit
- Learn the eating habits prescribed in Prophetic Medicine teachings (from Sidi’s books)
- Determine goals for yourself during this 12-week period and beyond
- Bring gentle, loving, compassionate healing to your belly and your heart
- Deepen your commitment to your body as a holy temple
This course, like our other distance learning courses, will be recorded and the recordings will be available for stream or download.
Mastura Graugnard has been a spiritual seeker for about 25 years, and a student of Sufism for the past 18 years. Mastura’s journey began in 1987 with the “incurable” diseases of hypoglycemia, fibrocystic disease and ulcerative colitis. Refusing to accept these ailments as a permanent part of her future, she embarked on a healing journey which taught her healing for the body, mind, heart & spirit.
Mastura served as Director of Operations for USHS from 2000-2009, and she has recently returned to serve as the organization’s University Relations Director. In 2009, she established Joyfully Living Wellness, her private healing practice working with individuals and groups specializing in helping people heal stress and emotions that contribute to emotional eating, digestive challenges and body image concerns. She uses Sufi spiritual healing among other tools to help people world-wide to discover the health they want, the joy they deserve and the love that they are!
She enjoys contemplation, sailing through a range of feelings, welcoming insights and exploring the many facets of human existence to see how they reflect God’s presence in the world and what they have to teach us about ourselves and our relationship to God. She looks forward to sailing with you on this ocean!